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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The "R" word

Rahm Emanuel "Retarded" Comment Puts Offensiveness in Spotlight "Advocates for Disabled Equate 'Retarded' With Hate Speech"

The politically motivated selective-victimhood of Sarah Palin "... Far from consistent, Palin has exposed herself as someone who deploys selective-victimhood as a politically motivated weapon. How else can one explain her harsh rebuke of Emanuel and near silence when it comes to eerily similar language used by conservative radio talker Rush Limbaugh and her Fox News colleague Glenn Beck? ... "

Spread the Word to End the Word " is a Special Olympics site where you can learn about and take action against the r-word."


Kardnos said...

I don't like the word "retarded", when used in an offensive manner.

Now after Emmanuel committed his stupidity, Rush Limbaugh repeated it over and over trying to agitate. Palin, at first, jumped on Limbaugh, but after a couple days, she pulled a Michael Steele, a bigger offense than Emmanuel's thoughtlessness.

Anonymous98507 said...

I don't even like it when used as a descriptor of someone's mental capabilities.

Kardnos said...


I found myself using the word "retard" as a verb describing activity that was not supportive of development for non-profits. It was an accurate usage and non-offensive and I still felt a little guilt.

Anon_the_Great said...

Retarded is a clinical and descriptive of mental capacity. The word is not the problem, it is the attitude behind it.

On the other hand, retard is a slur.

sidrat38 said...

Anon, that is well put..

I have a nephew with Aspburgers (sp) syndrome..To some, he might seem a bit "retarded"..

He also happens to be one of the smartest young men I have ever met..

I've also worked alongside some of the great people from Morningside..

..Also some of the smartest people I've ever met..

Given the choice between working with "normal" people",and people that are (excuse me) "R"'s..

..I'll take the "R"'s..anytime...

Kardnos said...

Amen, Sid.

My nephew (Downs) learned sign language faster than his brother, sister or parents.

sidrat38 said...

Oh, I can believe that, Larry..

My nephew helps his Dad do his taxes!

Anon_the_Great said...

I have been blessed by knowing young men and women with developmental disabilities. They have taught me more about being human than any conservative ever will, not because they are any more pure or innocent than the rest of us but because the are different than the rest of us.