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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dingel got - as she would say "PUNKED"

ENGEL wrote on 04/20/2010 03:54:45 PM: People of the US who live in states that border Canada have no clue what a problem illegal immigration is to our southern friends.There's no comparison.Recommend (2) Report abuse Read more:

OLYGuacaMOLY wrote on 04/20/2010 06:06:29 PM:
Doesn't Minnesota border Canada?

Austin, Minnesota with 22,000 residents is like any other middle-class, blue-collar town in America. Soccer moms cheer from the sidelines, bake sales abound, folks play bingo on Wednesday nights, paperboys throw papers, cheerleaders practice after school and dads take their kids to the old fishing hole. It's also home to Hormel Foods and Quality Pork Products where generations of citizens worked at and supported the meat processing plants. They earned living wages with health benefits and made Hormel one of the most trusted names in America.

But ten years ago, something happened in Austin. The meat packing plants began transporting illegal aliens from Texas to work in the plants around Austin. Why? To increase profits. At first, it didn't mean much because the illegal aliens worked at odd jobs. They didn't complain because they feared being deported. Their numbers were so small that the regular workers didn't take notice.

That changed as the years passed. As ten illegals turned into 100 and then into 1000, and now over 3,000, Austin, Minnesota suffers accelerating problems.

As usual, Dingel got caught with her entire leg in her mouth.


sparkle said...

If "dingel' keeps it up maybe she will turn herself inside out and swallow herself whole!
Funny how she jumped right in to defend audie65's supposed typo, she was so defensive one would think she was being dis'd......hummm, mades me wonder......

Anonymous98507 said...

Do all the socks hurt when one sock is ripped? 'twould seem so....