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Saturday, August 7, 2010

From the mouth of the Weird Sister

LaserBeam wrote on 08/07/2010 07:12:00 AM:

I was berated, harassed, kicked out of my coven and shunned by the local Wiccan community because " a vote for Bush is like a knife in the heart of the goddess".

I didn't leave Wicca, Wicca left me.


Kardnos said...

Couldn't even make it as a witch, huh?

Anon_the_Great said...

Not to slam my Wiccan friend, oh wait I have no Wiccan friends, yea, fuck Sondrak. Belief in the supernatural is nonsense regardless of the theology.

sidrat38 said...

Oh, I don't know about that, ATG..I've seen proof of reincarnation.....

One minute Sondra is dead on the blogs..and then ...*POOF*...she's back to life

sidrat38 said...

..In another form, that is..