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Friday, August 20, 2010

Simon's Cat in 'The Box'


Anonymous98507 said...

I had a pair of "Simon's cats" once. LOL One time the two of them managed to get into a box that I could have sworn that even the skinny seven-pounder couldn't make it into by himself. LOL

sparkle said...

That was too funny! And I am guessing that no animals were harmed in the making of that short!

sidrat38 said...

Thanks a lot, Lost...

I now have a new obsession....Those Simon's Cat cartoons are great!

Now I need to buy his new book...

LostOnAnIsland said...

You may think you love cats but I bet you can't sit through this entire video.

Anonymous98507 said...

You just won that bet! LOL (And this is from someone who can sit for a couple of hours watching the Molly and McGee owlbox! ROTFLMAO!

a real winer said...

This person really knows cats, their sense of humor and how their imaginations works. Some of my cats were feral before I got them in the house, and it was great to see them begin to relax and develop a sense of play. A cat that's totally secure can be borderline insane at play.