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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to Disqus

The Olympian switched on line baby sitters this morning without notice. A short announcement of the change and why it was made would be nice but I guess transparency the Olympian is forever editorializing on stops at their door.

Maybe it's me, but when I tried to log on I was told my password didn't work. Interesting seeing how I already have a Disqus account. When I attempted to use that password to access my account I was told that password was incorrect. So I thought, "screw that, I'll create a new account" but the Disqus window would not scroll up to allow me to finish the process.

Yannow, I'm about done with the on-line Olympian. I gave up on the printed edition years ago. In the near future I'll be scanning the stories without commenting and thus creating the additional hits. Hear that George? Your paper is so consistently user unfriendly a media hungry and politically active downtown resident is on the verge of no longer using your product. Even for free. How in the hell did you manage that?


Kardnos said...

Sorry, I had Tammy, Lee and George tied up with a copyright infringement issue this morning. It probably got in the way of their notification of software changing.

It would be such a pleasure if they would learn the laws they want others to honor when it comes to their publication.

Anon_the_Great said...

Do tell Larry.

sparkle said...

Good to see you got it figured out AtG, and my response to your post was my posting 'test'(though I meant every word of it, as always!!!
Larry, did you get the issues resolved? Please share more, if you can, either publicly or privately (via E-mail)

Inquiring minds want to know!

Anon_the_Great said...

OK. I was a bit hasty slinging arrows at George and Disqus. I do like the reply and edit options.

Anon_the_Great said...

Thanks sparkle. Seems I've been forced to out myself on Disqus. Not a bad thing seeing how I've posted my meat space name and location here ant there more than a few times.

Kardnos said...

OH.....once again, Mac_Wood thought it was funny to use artwork from my website and once again I had to send a cease and desist email (cc: Attorney) to The Olympian.

The last time this came up, The Olympian handled it promptly and professionally. This time, Tammy had to challenge my copyright.

Tammy has an attitude about me. I could reproduce the emails on ThurstonBlog, but I'm going to avoid it this time, as I think it just gives her something to bitch about.

Lee contacted me to make sure that we published all tags for Olympian material. We accomodated him. That's what professionals do for each other.

Tammy needs a different job.

Anonymous98507 said...

Instead of putting this in a blog most people aren't aware of ( story comments change Aug. 31), why in hell didn't they put it in "Breaking News"????