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Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Need For A Title


sidrat38 said...

I'm sure hoping that cat is only asleep...

Otherwise sparkle is going to be WAY upset, Lost....

sparkle said...

Yeah, he's looking to be asleep, but you ar3e right I WOULD be upset!

LostOnAnIsland said...

I would be of the belief that it's a coat and not a drying type of rack. One must also note that the shot was taken indoors and there is no visible char. Clearly the kitty is merely in blissful slumber. Safe and sound with a little belly so round.

sidrat38 said...

Whew! That's a relief...

sparkle said...

And I always thought that cats went for the most comfortable spots....

Anonymous98507 said...

sparkle, I've seen at least a couple of pictures showing cats laying with their bodies "through" the openings of a bunch of hangers on a closet rod! For example, this picture is included in the ones at this site: