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Monday, September 20, 2010

Finally.....I promise....LOL

radec wrote on 06/23/2010 09:20:35 AM:
I may also add is it a lie to say you are in Olympia when in fact you live in Lewis County. Olympian, please verify your LTE authors better.

Now on 6/23/2010 radec tried to have me living in Lewis County (not since 1986, but close)

But today it was - radec Today 03:58 PM Just a reminder this same person endorsed Sam Hunt in June (see ) When that person was asked in the comment section what district he lived in he said the 22nd. Now he is endorsing a candidate in the 20th (where he stated previously he actually lives).

It appears that radec has a difficult time managing its own backyard, much less worrying about mine.

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