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Monday, September 20, 2010

In order to set the record straight....

I created a one time account to comment on The Olympian.

"Truth or Consequences" stipulated that Millersylvania State Park - south of me - is in the 20th District and that in no way did "the letter writer" say he lived in the 22nd.

Both comments were immediately deleted.

Can't have the truth getting in the way of a good rumor on The Olympian, now, can we?


a real winer said...

OK, so maybe the population of tiny planet radec isn't so tiny. But the mindset definitely is.

My postal address is "Olympia", also, and I live and vote in the 20th LD. I've campaigned for Sam Hunt before, and my name isn't even Larry. Hardly a unique situation, apparently, nor is it particularly noteworthy, except to certain small mindsets.

Kardnos said...

How dare you, winer!!!!

It's funny the way the TEAPublicans gather every toothless wonder west of the Mississippi to rally in Nevada to campaign against Harry Reid and that's a good thing, but for you and I to support Sam Hunt in our county is terribly wrong.

Anonymous98507 said...

The small mindsets can't hold anything more than the TeaPotty tiny garbage statements.