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Sunday, September 19, 2010

More unchecked bullshit from the Right

hatesleechs 59 minutes ago
I agree with the writer that people should have shelter, food,etc. However, they need to"""" work themselves"""""" towards the goals they seek , than walking down to the nearest state/fed office or their mailbox to collect their government handouts. The elderly should be helped, the poor who at least are working a job should be helped, not the freeloaders that the Liberals/Democrats society they created with their motto "We'll raise and take care of you form Cradle to Grave" with government handouts. The old saying "he helps them who helps themselves" still makes sense. The new saying from the libs/dems is "not to worry we'll give you more handouts", so don't worry about working for a living. With the unemployment benefits pay averaging $13/14 dollars for a forty hour week, why would people take a minimum wage job??? Don't scoff , as I know people who are doing exactly this. P.S. These are most of the jobs(unemployment checks for almost 2, yes 2 years) your gov/president have created!!! The Monk and jimmythestool speak the truth

Ignoring the obvious stupidity of the last sentence (when is Moderation going to figure out that "Jimmy the Stool" is "Jimmy the Shit"????), let's take a look at that which I've bold/italic.

The only people who quote those alleged quotes are the Republicans because they don't have a solution. My father, who worked to his 65th birthday is a product of FDR's programs. He worked in the CCC because he needed to feed his family. "We'll raise you cradle to grave is pure unadulterated horseshit. We could set up programs like FDR did and allow people to work for their assistance, if the GOP would stop filibustering and blocking such legislation.

How many people REALLY get the top end of unemployment? Few. Those that do were earning big bucks until their job went south. Your unemployment check amounts to about 60% of what your take home was, and THAT is taxable income. No one gets rich off unemployment, no matter what these asswipes try to tell you.

2 WHOLE YEARS????? There are people in the Rust Belt whose jobs went to Mexico that haven't worked for 5 years. Again, programs could be funded by the Feds to have these people manufacturing things right in the Midwest again, but the Republicans' buddies in foreign countries won't have any of that - much less the Chinese who own us, due to Bush's Borrowing Power.

Now, what else would you expect from a monker that is "hates leeches"? The leeches are the "investors" that sit on their asses watching money grow in a stock that reflects the costs of goods manufactured in China and no tariffs.

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