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Sunday, May 9, 2010

An attempt to barter for medical services

From our "friend" Andy, of Thurstonpundits....

"I actually did try to barter with my primary care physician a couple years ago. I happened to be dealing with the contractor remodeling my doctor's house. The contractor walked out on the job stiffed suppliers, sub contractors and the homeowner for a lot of money.

My biz was in this mix and out for a few hundred dollars and I offered to call it even with the homeowner on my end if they could waive a recent exam fee from a little incident involving my ankle in my own home improvement project.

The Doctor would have loved to, but couldn't barter because of concerns around the legality and complications with insurance. Go figure- fear of government prevents innovation."

Oh Andy, you are a sap, aren't you? The Doctor had already paid for your services - to the Contractor with whom YOU chose to do business. So you tried to stick the doctor for pro bono services to make up your share. The Doctor, knowing that your dispute wasn't his problem, used the old "legal" excuse to avoid giving away his services to you for something he didn't owe you in the first place.

I'll have to say this, the Good Doctor read you like a book. Tell you it's the government's fault and you bought it. He didn't even have to say "what the fuck are you trying to pull?"

By the way Andy, "legality and complications with insurance" is this the government's issue? Sounds like an insurance company telling him "you start that shit and we'll take you off our preferred provider list".

Go back to counting the number of people that show up a Rob McKenna LoveFests.


Anonymous98507 said...

Poor Andy.... doesn't he know that bartering arrangements are set up in advance, not after the fact? tsk, tsk, tsk....

Kardnos said...

bartering de facto

Kardnos said...

I wonder if Andy could barter with a proctologist to remove his head