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Monday, May 31, 2010

Toddler Smokes Two Packs a Day

The 2-year-old Sumatran boy was given his first cigarette at 18 months by his 30-year-old father, Mohammed. Now, he throws tantrums if he's denied his two-pack-a-day habit, according to his family.

Talk about thinking outside the box. When this kid is told to do his chores or he doesn't get his smokes you can bet your two lowerback fat pads he going to do it. Taking away video games has nothing on this groundbreaking strategy.


Anonymous98507 said...

Parental stupidity isn't limited to the U.S.

sidrat38 said...

I just saw that video..

Some people should not be allowed to breed..

(Thank goodness IV is gay...)

LostOnAnIsland said...

(Slapping My Knee While Laughing My Ass Off)

Anon_the_Great said...

Can you imagine the Terrible Twos with nicotine withdraw? Has to be as close to Satan on Earth as possible.