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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday night slaughter on the Oly website

Anonymous98501 wrote on 05/30/2010 11:34:56 PM:

OlyRagToo wrote on 05/30/2010 10:32:46 PM:
I want to express my appreciation to those people who are nixing Larry's posts. When your posts routinely number in the hundreds, that alone justifies action. I'm not concerned with what he has to say--I seldom read anything he posts anyway-- but I am bothered by the frequency. A little restraint would go a long way.

If you are concerned about frequency of posting by someone here, shouldn't you also be counting how many comments ENGEL posts and ask her to show some restraint, too? Check out her Persona page to get them all in one place: ENGEL's page

You should also realize that whoever is trying to get Larry's comments deleted are only making it worse because he is only going to repost what you have hidden!


a real winer said...

The unfortunate truth, as I've observed, is that a lot of people in "monitor" type positions seem to prefer to avoid dealing w/ the unreasonable party in the hope that the more reasonable party will capitulate and make the problem go away.

My first concrete evidence of this involved the Lacey PD a number of years ago. Let's just say I'm not sorry I don't live in Lacey any more.

I do see some similarities here. But, in all fairness, who would YOU rather have mad at you, some whacked out psycho bitch, or a reasonable person? Doesn't make it right, and it says something about human nature that I don't like.

Kardnos said...

"I seldom read anything he posts anyway-- but I am bothered by the frequency. A little restraint would go a long way"

Yeah...and I'm the Queen of England

Anonymous98507 said...

I noticed that "OilyRag" didn't take the suggestion seriously to check out the number of she-who's posts, let alone show some personal restraint.

winer, I'm with you about not liking that part of human nature.

Larry, how ya doin' today, Your Highness? :-)