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Thursday, May 6, 2010

From the Mistress of High Weirdness

ENGEL wrote on 05/06/2010 05:13:13 PM:

Eric, be yourself. Not mine.

Da Da Da.


Anonymous98507 said...

I didn't see any legal terminology attached to indicate that she "owns" the phrase.... did you?

Anon_the_Great said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anon_the_Great said...

Be yourself. Not mine.
That would make a great T shirt wouldn't it?

The day nears when a disheveled Sondrak passes her days in downtown Olympia gibbering obscene conspiracy theories at the Grey squirrels in Sylvester park.

a real winer said...

Spoken like a person w/ a truly overblown sense of her own self-importance.

Anyone else see that a former, occasional Olympian wacko poster is in jail for stalking a Thurston Co. prosecutor who had a restraining order against him? King5 had the story last night about Kevin Donohoe, who has posted some strange shit under his full name on the O's comment boards in the past. (Link to their story: But it's OK, because his mom thinks he's just mad at the system.

Haven't seen anything from him for a while, but it's maybe good to remember that some of the standout characters really may be certifiable nutcases. Including the one who sees herself as the Resident Dominatrix.

sidrat38 said...

hmm..very disturbing..

Let's see... Who else on these blogs accuses people of being "very angry.."

But on May 3, a county employee spotted Donahoe pacing around the Thurston County Courthouse looking " very angry, very tense."

Kardnos said...

Having spent a fair amount of time around newspapers, I can guarantee that people of less than their quota of marbles are attracted to the media.