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Sunday, May 30, 2010

George made the mistake of asking for input!!

Well, George, you asked-- here goes.

(1) The original item about your “award” published May 26th said, The Olympian was the first-place winner for Best Website, General News .... Now you say it won ... as the best for breaking news among newspapers of any size .... Not the same-- “breaking news” is a subset of the whole website. Big difference....

(2) Your site is not kept updated regularly so there is no way it should be named "Best" in either category. Many days you leave the same story listed as the head item under BREAKING NEWS » all day long. It can't be breaking news hour after hour if it never receives any updates. In addition you post items as “breaking news” that are NOT “breaking news”. For example, Saturday the story about Dowdy was listed all day long as the lead under that header, even though it should never have been labeled as “breaking news” in the first place. You need another, general header if you’re going to do that.

Your timeliness frankly sucks. I receive frequent e-mails from the News Tribune with breaking news– they just about always beat your website for posting.


(3) You should realize that with big stories like Joe Hyer, the high hit rate comes from people repeatedly visiting to see what people are posting in the comment sections, not to see whether your staff has posted any updates (we already know they normally do NOT post updates). Our interest is in what our fellow citizens have to add to the story and the subsequent discussions.

(4) Speaking of comments (as part of the website), people who are reporting “abuse” just because they don’t like opposite opinions should not be allowed to “hide” comments that do not break the posting rules. Tammy McGee told me that she can see who has made those reports, so those people are the ones who should be BLOCKED, not the people they are trying to block. Block the miscreants instead of taking down the entire comment sections! (I won’t be surprised if someone “hides” this particular comment. Don’t worry, I have a copy of it, and if it disappears, you, Lui, and Tammy will get copies of it.)

I could go on for a long time, but this is a start.
Wonder what will come of this?


Kardnos said...

George paid nice lip service to the awards.

He doesn't really want input. He has been cc'd on every major email between Lui Long, Tammy, Wakfield and myself and has never said boo.

Anonymous98507 said...

The difference this time is that he asked in public and the reply was public. LOL Let's have hope that a seed will have been planted.

LostOnAnIsland said...

Well, they got rid of my LostOnAnIsland profile on the daily zero because I said in regards to their little award "I would congratulate the fine folks of the Olympian online but it would just get censored and I wouldn't mean it anyways." So of course I'm still around and my contributions will continue under a new name. If you know my handiwork I'm sure you will recognize it when you see it.

Anon_the_Great said...

Perhaps we should start calling George LeM. as Edward Smith, the Captain of the Titanic. George Armstrong Custer might be another appropriate nom de plume.