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Monday, May 24, 2010

Today's sniping

Interesting convo in the comments on today’s LTEs..... I'll leave it to you to decide who won. (I'll also leave it to you to figure out which comments were deleted! LOL)

dave34104 wrote on 05/24/2010 04:29:29 PM:
I just looked at the most recommended comments and they all seem to be from the right wing and seem to have close to the same number of votes...any reason for that?

MrMustard wrote on 05/24/2010 04:35:59 PM:
It's one of those damned right-wing conspiracies

cedar wrote on 05/24/2010 04:51:00 PM:
>dave34104 wrote on 05/24/2010 04:29:29 PM:<

The Constitution was just interpreted to mean that SondraK's sock puppets can vote by pushing the Recommend button.

ALocalGuy wrote on 05/24/2010 05:08:28 PM:
Who is SondraK, and who are the sock puppets?

ENGEL wrote on 05/24/2010 05:26:52 PM:
Oh yay. This never gets old.

Anonymous98501 wrote on 05/24/2010 05:29:00 PM:
>dave34104 wrote on 05/24/2010 04:29:29 PM:<

Gee, dave, I'm sure you'll figure it out if you think really hard. Bwahahahahah!

ALocalGuy wrote on 05/24/2010 05:49:53 PM:
So is Dave34104 describing assumed identities, multiple identities, or some combination of both?

On this site? Why would anyone bother?

And who are the sock puppets? Which identities are real, and which fictional?

Has anyone actually confirmed this behavior?

This seems very strange to me, and again, for what purpose would someone create or manage multiple identities?

cedar wrote on 05/24/2010 06:05:21 PM:
This comment has been hidden and is pending site review. Click here if you wish to view.
>ALocalGuy wrote on 05/24/2010 05:08:28 PM:<

SondraK has a long history here of using different, shall we say, "stage names," and having them post here in rapid succession. Another tactic she uses is to make a series of short statements in a succession of posts, thereby pushing other commenters off the page. SondraK is in love with Ayn Rand, at least figuratively (since Rand is dead and has gone to the place where atheists go after death).

cedar wrote on 05/24/2010 06:24:07 PM:
Note in my comment just below that sock puppets can collectively press the "report abuse" button to have a post removed. This tactic has also been used repeatedly.

ENGEL wrote on 05/24/2010 06:26:54 PM:
ALocalGuy, what you really need to be asking is why would someone care so much about something so juvenile to fabricate such an intricate story and then go on and on and on and on and on and on and on... For years.

This is how *I* know who the psychotic ones are.

When they trot out this crap you know any chance of a rational comment thread is long gone.

It's the Godwin's Law of the Olympian comments section.

Carry on.......

cedar wrote on 05/24/2010 06:32:35 PM:
ENGEL: Do you admit that you have also posted under the names SondraK, John Galt, Ayn Rand, and many others, or do all those names belong to different extreme conservatives who all parrot the same ideas using the same writing style, like sheep? Why is it necessary to change your name? My posting name (for better or worse, LOL) has been the same for years.



Kardnos said...

I just can't understand ENGEL getting so upset about SONDRA K and the SOCKS.

Afterall, her name is ENGEL

Anonymous98507 said...


cedar wrote on 05/24/2010 08:09:57 PM:
I see that ENGEL had my initial post referring to her many sock puppets and their behavior deleted. I guess if enough of "them" complain, "they" can initiate censoring of free speech. Much like what a right-wing government would love to do.

dave34104 wrote on 05/24/2010 08:18:25 PM:
damn..Engel is good,,...5 of 8 comments on most-recommended and all but one got 6 votes,,,the other got 7...wonder it it was all the same 6 and one snuck in to make it 7

sparkle wrote on 05/24/2010 08:42:25 PM:
dave34104, maybe the "recommend" button is the "grown-up" (i use that term very loosely) version of the middle school "I am popular" mentality, in some pathetic, "I don't have a life" cyber-bullies eyes!

dave34104 wrote on 05/24/2010 08:49:14 PM:
sparkle...I'm sure that's not true...who would have such a dull life that they have to recommend themselves?

LarryakaLarry wrote on 05/24/2010 09:02:09 PM:
I don't see why ENGEL would get so worked up about someone explaining SONDRA K and the SOCKS.

Afterall, her name IS ENGEL.....right?

sparkle wrote on 05/24/2010 09:10:24 PM:
...Dave, your right, silly me!

sparkle wrote on 05/24/2010 09:11:11 PM:
Good point Larry

'night all!

ENGEL wrote on 05/24/2010 09:30:48 PM:
Remarkable job, "dave"!!!!!!

You managed to amp them to 11 with just one comment and keep them in their frenzy for nearly what, 4 hours?

Anyways, back to cleaning and polishing my crystal chandelier, I'm almost finished! The book case took me a bit longer than I expected....
