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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Miss You All

My life has been turned upside down, and have been unable to contribute with my little "blogger family", thinking about y'all, and thanks for keeping up the good fight. Feel free to access my email address through Larry if you wish!


Anonymous98507 said...

Hey, we miss you, too! Keep your chin up and fight your own good fight!

sidrat38 said...

We miss you too, sparkle....

Keep purring! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help...

Like you said, we're family, here

LostOnAnIsland said...

Hope things get better for you sparkle.

Anon_the_Great said...

I've missed you Spark. Sounds like you are going through a rough patch so here's a joke to cheer you up.

Two guys walk into a bar.
Ya think at least one of them would have ducked.

Kardnos said...

Without going into particulars, I'll just say that our sister Sparkle's challenges right now are a vivid illustration of why we need to prod the Democratic Party about being the representatives of the people that we need and not becoming the lackeys to the power of the Republicans.

The best thing we can do for her and ourselves is to rally the vote for November 2010

sparkle said...

Larry, a got that right, we got to make the change that we need in our nation, before more people bit the dust.

And thank you ALL for the support, and your love. Trust me I am purring between the growls! LOL

Anonymous98507 said...

What needs to be done is for us to contribute a few bucks to ANY Democratic candidate who is running against a tea-potty candidate (starting with Chris Coons who is facing that twit Christine O'Donnell) and let them know that the reason for the contribution is to help beat the tea-potty candidate. Granted most of us don't have much extra money, but multiple $2 to $5 contributions do add up, and hopefully the Dem. candidate can say to their constituents, "See, even people from outside the state want me to win!"

xyzzy said...

Hey sparkle, hope things start looking up soon.

a real winer said...

I've been wondering where you were, sparkle, and I was hoping you might be on vacation. Sorry to hear the reason is not so good. I'm holding thoughts for the best possible outcome for you, and the sooner the better.

sparkle said...

Thanks everyone!