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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Never judge a book.....

I hope 'ol IV reads this one next time he wants to make fun of transsexuals.....


Anonymous98507 said...

The only thing better would have been if the "cross-dressers" actually had been females who absolutely cleaned the clocks of those two assholes! LOL

LostOnAnIsland said...


I'm just glad they got it on tape for the world to see.

A man in a dress is still a man, baby.
Oh, do behave.

Kardnos said...

Reminds me of a 6ft 10in transvestite that frequented a place I played about 10 years ago.

Wayne "Sue" was a construction worker, usually accompanied by a good looking woman and told me - "I'm not homosexual, I like to dress up".

Wayne did tell me that he was frequently "hit on" by straight men, but not the way the video demonstrated. LOL

a real winer said...

Now that's funny!