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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Full of shit, as usual.....

SomethingShiny wrote on 07/27/2010 09:16:23 AM:
""gee, I wish I spent more time wasting my life on The Olympian comments section........"

SomethingShiny wrote on 07/27/2010 12:07:32 PM:
Thanks for your help're awesome ;)

That 3 hour repose was a tremendous sacrifice to the Sun gods, Sondra

Tip of the hat to The Olympian.....


sidrat38 said...

But a great reply from U12...

U12 wrote on 07/27/2010 12:36:14 PM:
"Shiny wrote: ""gee, I wish I spent more time wasting my life on The Olympian comments section........"

Is it humanly possible that she could spend MORE time here than she already does?! I guess some people don't require sleep.

Read more:

sidrat38 said...

Maybe if they're on Oxy, U12..

(Which, available at Stormans...)

sparkle said...

I thought OXY nodded one out, as opposed to the METH rants that some seem to have.

sidrat38 said...

well, I wouldn't know about that, sparkle...

The only judge I have to go by is Rush...

sparkle said...

Yeah, it is known by some to be called "hillbilly heroin" (though it can be more expensive then the street stuff)or more clinically called synthetic heroin, which slows one down. Meth on the other hand does the opposite.

Supposedly, one of the worst addiction / withdrawals a human can go through. Not a pretty picture, I feel for anybody (with the possible exception of Rush) who has had to experience it.

(And I only lack sympathy for the Rush because of his hypocrisy on the subject). referring to drug addicts as "dirt-bags" whilst doctor shopping for his oxy...viagra...etc. What a piece of scum.

Kardnos said...

My wife has had to deal with post-oxycotin use. It's not pretty. Although she deals with chronic pain, she refuses to take the drug.

In her case it did make her nod off, but I can testify that vicodin will often hype me up and leave me sleepless.

An abuser like Rush probably was drilled on air and then slept the remainder of the day away until his addiction said "feed me"

Anon_the_Great said...

Larry, have y'all looked into Medical Marijuana? Although not a panacea I have heard it works for many. And IV approves.

Anonymous98507 said...

I personally don't have a cut and dried opinion (pun intended) about med. MJ, but knowing that IV "approves" of it would almost send me in the opposite direction!