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Friday, July 30, 2010

It's baaaaaaaaaaack......

LaserBeam wrote on 07/30/2010 07:05:53 PM:

tip of the hat to The Olympian

I'm setting the betting board, I say this one will be gone by next Friday, at the latest.

Any takers?


LostOnAnIsland said... many variables ,um.....

LostOnAnIsland said...

What is the point spread here.

What's the action?

Is it an all-skate?

Anonymous98507 said...

I'll take Wednesday about 4:30 pm.

Kardnos said...

No point spread. Straight up bets

Pick a day, add a time if you wish, in case we need a tie breaker.

I'll say next Friday, 8/6 noon.

LostOnAnIsland said...

I'm thinking sooner rather then later.

I'm sticking to Tuesday 8/3/10 by 3:45.(crossing all appendages)

Anon_the_Great said...

Monday night 8/2 9:30 pm

xyzzy said...

Thursday by 5:00 PM

sparkle said...

She might last till next Friday, before 7:34PM (or maybe that will be the date/time stamp of the one she goes out with!

sidrat38 said...

I'm actually going to give her a little bit (very little) of credit this time..

Her self control will explode on Friday the 13th of August...7:35 pm..

Anon_the_Great said...

With the introduction of the latest Sock Marcihooha I think I won the best.

Maybe cheeseburger should be forced to buy me a coke.