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Saturday, July 3, 2010

All mixed up

RedForeman wrote on 07/03/2010 01:27:39 PM:
I know, you save the name calling for your blog where people can't respond. Coward. And you need to read things more thoroughly.

HarryC wrote on 07/03/2010 01:34:23 PM:
Red - I read it quite thoroughly. If you answered my two questions previously posted, you can see that you are being intellectually dishonest. As to responding on another blog - I don't believe I've seen your registration for membership. I guess you're just satisfied to lurk.

Read more:

Now, I may just have things a little mixed up here, but it would seem Red is the coward for not registering to ThurstonBlog and speaking his mind (what little there is)

As to The Olympian forums - geez...I'm just trying to follow their rules. We allow profanity on ThurstonBlog, Red. Nice to know you are reading.


LostOnAnIsland said...

It's gone from crickets chirping to assholes lurking.

Kardnos said...

Considering our prime lurker is InDependsVoltair, that is an insult to assholes everywhere

sidrat38 said...

Myabe we should clear this up once and for all