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Monday, July 26, 2010

Sad situation

Some of you may know that my son just finished CORE training with the Washington State Corrections Department. It was a 6 1/2 week intensive training, 240 class hours, that provided him 16 college credits. I was proud that he was a chosen speaker for his class.

Unfortunately, this story is about one of his classmates, that just finished training and was about to start a new job at Clallam Bay (see the Peninsula Daily News online edition for details).

Despite suicide prevention and all of the other training, this man wasn't able to reach into his pocket and use that training for his personal issues.

A very sad story and a reminder that you need to walk away from domestic challenges, as opposed to taking matters into your own hands.

Luckily, my son is also a friend of Bill W and he came to me to talk and then contact all of his classmates, who had traded phone numbers, to set in motion a group therapy of sorts.

I love you, Son. I'm proud of your achievement and hope that your heart mends soon from the loss of your friend.


a real winer said...

Sad news indeed. When someone makes that terrible choice, whatever problems they have are so all-consuming, they are unable to really see and understand how it will affect those close to them. It's not the coward's way out, as I've heard it described, it's the last resort of a desperately overwhelmed person.

It is heartbreaking to see such a promise unfulfilled. I will hold good thoughts for this man's soul and for peace in the hearts of those who cared about him.

Anonymous98507 said...

Condolences to the family and to your son and his classmates.

I read the PDN article and was saddened to see that the idiots who commented are much like the ones who comment on articles in the Olympian. For example, the man who drove over the cliff here in Olympia was a family friend, and the comments made about him were sickening.

sparkle said...

I am so sorry to hear of your son's and thus your families loss. "Winer" said best the word I would say. My heart goes out to both your family and his.

sparkle said...

98507, I read with disgust those comments, and was about to post that disgust (maybe I did) but thought to do so would add to the trivialization that the others perpetuated.

Anonymous98507 said...

sparkle, the same people post demeaning comments on nearly all articles about accidents. I can only hope that karma bites them big time and that they suffer from some loss and have to read nasty comments about THEIR loved ones.

sparkle said...

Yeah, let us hope so.