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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey IV...

Since you feel it necessary to post about me in the public forum..EACH AND EVERY DAY, I will post something derogatory (and TRUE) about you, right here...

For instance..


You have been banned from the Olympian forums, and subverted that ban by using multiple identities...

(Which commandment is "Thou shalt not lie"?)...

Stay tuned for more TRUTH from this gay man about the lying "christian" POS...


sidrat38 said... apologies to good Christians everywhere that you have to include this POS as a member....

..I know you don't want him....

sidrat38 said...

I'd also like to point out that I have been SIDRAT since 2001..never once been banned..

IV can't say the same.....

..who has the morals, big boy????

sidrat38 said...


You're being forced to read this, sunshine...)

sidrat38 said...

And another BTW...

It ain't LIBEL if it's TRUE......

sidrat38 said...

And I indeed intend to print nothing but truth......

(Something your lying ass can't claim....)

sidrat38 said...

Had a heart attack yet, sunshine, or are you too busy hiding under your bed waiting for a visit from me and Larry?....

,,Like we would be caught dead in your trailer...


sparkle said...

Hooray to Sidrat38 for calling that POS out, hopefully "the wrong is really angry today!"

sidrat38 said...

Sparkle..I'm now beyond pissed off...

And the funny thing is..I don't even have to make anything up...

..all I have to do is post the truth...

sidrat38 said...

Actually,Sparkle, I should take your sage advice..

Purr more, hiss less...

sparkle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sparkle said...

Your sweet, and the assholes aren't worth it!

Kardnos said...

Note that the fucking coward doesn't subscribe to ThurstonBlog and go mano y mano with anyone.

Anonymous98507 said...

Yeah, and we know that his excuse will be that he won't be allowed to join. [snicker]