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Thursday, July 22, 2010

If it smells like's bullshit

HarryC wrote on 07/22/2010 09:10:46 AM:
Calling Glenn and Banjoboy's bluff. All you have to do is register.
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glenn wrote on 07/22/2010 07:02:08 AM:
I'm with Banjoboy - Come on over for a fireside chat with this crusty, mean, unbending, nasty and traditional old man. Check first to make sure our appointment isn't at the same time as my anger management counseling. I can't wait to see ya.
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Banjoboy wrote on 07/21/2010 07:56:16 PM:
When you find my name, come on over and we'll talk about it, just like you want to. When I made the same offer earlier It was called "hate". Go figure...

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