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Saturday, July 31, 2010

I just wanted to save Cal Thomas' 7/31 post for later use...

"Some Republicans are salivating over Democratic spending and ethical lapses, but before they run on fiscal restraint and personal morality, they should remember such former and current colleagues named DeLay, Cunningham, Ney, Foley, Lewis, Burns, Stevens, Craig, Vitter, Miller and Renzi.

These — and others — were tainted by scandal while Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. There is an old disease in Washington called Potomac Fever.

When voters toss out one infected party and replace it with another that promises not to acquire the disease, the new guys also catch it."

Read more:


Anonymous98507 said...

Wow! Red Letter Day-- I actually found something written by Cal Thomas that I can agree with! Miracles never cease...... LOL

Kardnos said...

radec informed us, yesterday, that Sarah Palin's ethics issues has nothing to do with the discussion because she has never been in Congress.

Now THERE is a way of denying.

Kardnos said...

98507 -

Don't jump too quick. Cal went on to say that the "answer" is term limits, which, translated means:

"we need term limits on Democrats"

sidrat38 said...

Still, I wanted to save this for future use..

So I can throw it in the face of some people....

(..and then say Cal Thomas posted it...)'ll be rich...

believe me...

sidrat38 said...

Trust me..

It'll happen...

sidrat38 said...

But Cal did end his editorial with a remarkably good quote....


“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” That admonition doesn’t give Republicans permission at the moment to pick up even a pebble.

Read more:

Never been a fan of Cal, never will be, but he got some props from me with this one..

sidrat38 said...

Maybe there's hope for him yet..

sidrat38 said...

Now if we can just do something about Ann Coulter......

Kardnos said...

"sidrat38 said...
Now if we can just do something about Ann Coulter......"

The previously broken jaw worked well. A repeat performance?

Anonymous98507 said...

Or take her "Little Black Dress" and wrap it around her mouth.....

sidrat38 said...

Sheesh..took only about 36 hours...