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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Racist avatar? You decide

There is lots of denial about racism coming from the TEA Party supporters (which we KNOW Cheeseburger is).

I find this stereotypical avatar to demonstrate racist implications, not only directed at Hispanic people, but Obama's mixed race heritage as well.

How about other opinions? Am I being too sensitive?


Anonymous98507 said...

Too sensitive? Not at all!

sparkle said...

You , too sensitive, no.
The avatar, insensitive, yes!

(and they don't even realize how bigoted they are!)

Kardnos said...

Sparkle - that is my thought. A friend told me long ago "racism is ignorance" and I find that to be one of the biggest truths I've ever heard.

sparkle said...


Anon_the_Great said...

Um, like this is even a question.

cheeseburger has proved herself to be nothing more than a racist flat earth christian.