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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Need any more proof that "ULIE" is She-Who?

The She Beast, under any ID, never wants to provide "concrete examples", does she? That would mean WORK!
ULIE wrote on 07/14/2010 08:24:12 PM:

Tedster wrote on 07/14/2010 07:52:33 PM:
If you disagree, give me a concrete example, not a "He wants to take our guns away" stuff.

I'm gonna let you off the hook on this one Tedster...because if you paid any attention and listened at all you'd already know. No one's been hiding anything from you. Most of us conservatives pretty much wear ourselves on our sleeves.

So clearly you really just
don't want to know.

Read more:
Her ID should be "ILIE".


sidrat38 said...

And you'll notice, of course, she didn't bother to answer tedster's challenge.....

....because she CAN'T

Anon_the_Great said...

Sondrak has no interest nor capability to engage, to discuss, to explain. So enamored with her own imagined brilliance she speaks only in straw men and non-sequiturs. When read literally, and without her projected subtext, her comments are revealed to be hollow rants, sound and fury signifying nothing.

With each passing week her burblings become more incomprehensible. I think we are witnessing the onset of some serious mental illness.

Anonymous98507 said...

Mental illness accompanied by some addictive process... alcohol comes to mind!

Anon_the_Great said...

No, not booze. Ssuron and glenn (I keep typing glann) are case studies in hitting the bottle along with the keys.

On the other hand Sondrak's inchoate confidence and avian-like fixations scream tweeker.

Anon_the_Great said...

Pathetic. Sad and pathetic.

ULIE wrote on 07/15/2010 04:23:01 PM:

President Bush took the blame for everything. Part of his disapproval ratings was because he took the blame for stuff that wasn't "his" and never fought back.

Why do you people keep holding Obama to the lowest possible denominator and constantly compare him to the worst president evar?

The federal government strangles Alaska with regulations that prohibit them from using their resources.

Not a word of that comes within a parsec of the world the rest of us live in.