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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


She who... commented that WMS' were not "the mission" in Iraq. So at 10:31AM I asked "What was the mission"?
At 11:27AM I re-asked the same question, with a tic-toc. Her response: (after her posting 4 posts in between):

Comment on: Letters to the Editor for July 28 at 7/28/2010 11:35 AM PDT
Oh my, what happened there?So...I simply wanted to remark on your maturity as of late, sparkle.It was just a few short months ago that the misspelling or misattribution of a screen name would cause you to become unhinged.Good job on that progress!
The mission? Kill bad guys. No need to fret and "tic toc". You just asked like 6 minutes ago, sheesh! If I don't answer right away it's because I am doing other things that take me away from the computer. I don't normally check in with anyone before I go do stuff so don't take it personally:)Patience is a virtue, sparkle!

My response:
sparkle wrote on 07/28/2010 11:44:47 AM:
Shiny wrote: "You just asked like 6 minutes ago"

Original post: 10:31AM
Next post: 11:27AM

I asked you like 57 minutes ago, I see you are also really good at telling time.

"Bad guys" oh give be a break, were no longer in middle school.

And you are the limbo player. (this is in reference to her lowering the bar with the sparkle /spackle thing and me calling her "Shiny")

I re-posted here because her comment was immediately pulled.

Read more:


sparkle said...

BTW, my post was pulled as well, though I did post this 3 minutes after my original:

sparkle wrote on 07/28/2010 11:48:09 AM:
Sorry Tammy(?), my last post really should be pulled, off topic and reactionary to an attack.

sidrat38 said...

This community member's page is currently being reviewed by the editors.

Read more:

Another sock bites the dust...

sidrat38 said...

BTW, sparkle...

props on owning up..

Some folks (including myself..I'm not blameless)..should follow your example..

I commend your action....

well done

( I was going to say "Mission Accomplished" but my Abraham Lincoln banner wasn't back from the White House...)


sparkle said...

sidrat, I also noticed that her page is "under review."

Wow, her first posting with that user-name was @ 6:22pm on the 24th of July. It appears to be record time, even for her!

I really need no commending, I hate it when I grab for the low hanging fruit, which I did, and was hoping that it would be pulled after I posted it.

Maybe when we all get together we can construct our own "Mission Accomplished" banner, (I'm guessing the original is in some village in Texas that the idiot is residing in again).

Excuse me for ranting, but I think I hate the bitch as much as you hate the bastard!

(Are suze and IV one in the same)

Kardnos said...

"(Are suze and IV one in the same)"

Oh lord....if Sidrat's prodding (pardon the pun) made IV go drag...

I'd die with a smile on my face.

xyzzy said...

The Olympian LTE's appear to have been overrun by right wing nuts and folks on the edge (like Suze "the end is near" - how many centuries have people been saying that?)

Barely bother to post there at all anymore, and I absolutely try to ignore SK, though sometimes one of her new socks gets me as she sometimes can avoid using one of her typical inane phrases for an hour or so.

Sparkle, loved the "laser beam" comment in the LTE earlier today.

xyzzy said...

It's not hard to ID either SK or IV from post content. Maybe they're finally wising up at the Olypmian and deactivating the socks as soon as they're reasonably sure it's one of the posters they've repeatedly banned.

I probably hope for too much....

sidrat38 said...

I don't think my "prodding" would have anything to do with it, Larry...

I'm pretty sure IV was already waltzing around in his bedroom with a picture of J. Edgar Hoover in his hands whilst wearing a taffetta ball gown long before I came on the scene.....

(well, the picture was probably in one hand..I'll leave it to your imagination as to where the other one was...)

(..sorry for the visual, all..)

sparkle said...

We can spot them usually in a post or two, why would it be so hard for the moderators to do the same.

About the laser beam, thanks!

sidrat38 said...

And Sparkle, I don't hate IV...

I don't hate any individual..

..I just hate bigotry in any form...

especially when guised under the cloak of "Christianity"..

It just plain gives real Christians a bad name..

...and hurts innocent people along the way....

That's something I will NEVER abide...

sparkle said...

Sorry Sidrat, hate was was a bit harsh, I do, however hate what they "stand" for.

sparkle said...

"taffetta ball gown" I'm guessing with ruffles!

Hate to think what was in that other hand...Rotflmao

Anon_the_Great said...

Thurston Blog's crew calling the shit on the Socks has had mucho Bueno influence on the comments section. No longer can sondrak, IV, glenn, Suzie et al spew unhingned hate without consequence.

Larry led the way and the smart, committed cadre of this blog have emasculated ever fucking sock thrown at us.

This might be a boy thing, but I've heard tell some men enjoy masturbating into a favorite sock. W/out casting aspersions: Gross

xyzzy said...

Recognizing them within a post or two and deactivating them as soon as recognized are two different things.

Kardnos said...

Sidrat -

I have moved you to the top of my list of "favorite gay men" with that comment. ("J Edgar" was the killer)

That being said, wife and I enjoyed a great dinner with a former coworker of hers and his partner in their beautiful home on Vashon Island, last Friday, which impressed the shit out of me.

You can see you are in good company.

Kardnos said...

Anon The Great -

We are approaching a year of ThurstonBlog (not counting the time it sat idle on my part).

It proves that the will of people will rise to the occasion. Our message gets to everyone of the people we want to reach, regardless of if they post or not and we know this because of their comments in the Olympian.

I have to thank 98507 for covering the bases when I'm not available or just want a break.

The best part of all of this is that my comments are the minority of participation, thus ThurstonBlog has its own life, which is the way it should be. I never intended to enter a contest of blog backslapping to post a prize to tell you all how great or funny I am. This is a place to say, what you need to say and it's happening.

Thanks to all authors contributing.

sidrat38 said...

Larry, there's a lot of great gay people out there..

..there are a lot of jerks, too..

Just like any other section of the community...

I just find it sad that some people can't see past the "label", and choose to hate..

Anyway, glad you and Mrs. Larry had a nice dinner with good friends..

That's always a good thing..

sidrat38 said...

BTW, larry..

you have a list of "favorite gay men"??

That's a little scary, my friend.....


..kidding...I'm kidding...

sidrat38 said...

And apology needed...

I know your comments come from the heart, and have more class in your little finger than some people have in their entire bodies....

I respect and admire that..

I'm honored to blog with you...

(And everyone else here, as a matter of fact..)

sparkle said...

Thanyou Sidrat38, the honor is all mine to y'all!