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Monday, July 12, 2010

You just can't pass stuff like this up.....

ULIE wrote on 07/12/2010 10:56:53 AM:
President Obama inherited nothing. He and his supporters campaigned ruthlessly for the job.

Read more:

Palin/McCain were not as ruthless (Bill Ayers, Birth Certificate, etc, etc) thus they lost


xyzzy said...

What do you expect from the She-Beast? It even misspelled it's new login. Surely it was supposed to be ILIE

Kardnos said...

Xyzzy - oh...I just figure it was a phonetic spelling of a Norwegian saying "Julie"

xyzzy said...

Regardless, "I LIE" would be a most appropriate login for it.

Anon_the_Great said...

The worms of hate and narcissism, along with a steady diet of Methamphetamine, really have destroyed her last two neurons haven't they?

Anonymous98507 said...

I was betting that they had been been pickled... could they have been destroyed then?

Anon_the_Great said...

No really. Sondrak is answering her own questions before she even asking them. I've seen this behavior before in schizophrenics.

She sits on a park bench in the afternoon sun chain smoking mumbling conspiracy theories at the squirrels in Sylvester Park.

A dozen yards away IV hovers nervously praying to his Mad Madonna. She lights her next cigarette from the embers of her previous one then expertly flicks the exhausted but still burning butt into IV's sweaty face. He no longer flinches.

"You have no cock!" she shrieks at IV then grabs her crotch with her yellowed nails and grimy fingers. "Mine's bigger! Do you hear me God Boy!?! Mine's fucking bigger!"

A thick wet coughing fit rattles her skeletal frame, interrupting her debasement of the sallow Flat Earth Christian. He kneels, makes the sign of the cross and waits for her to spit green phlegm at him. This Passion plays out for hours. It is an odd but comforting routine for the pair.

Anonymous98507 said...

Mein Gott in Himmel! AtG, do you ever submit entries to the Bulwer-Lytton contest? You'd be a lock to win it! LOL

Kardnos said...


Author, Author!!!

Anon_the_Great said...

I wrote my Beckettish tribute to Dump and Dumbstruck in a fit of nicotine withdrawal. Had to do something with my hands and my brain rushes.

Thanks though

LostOnAnIsland said...

Great stuff Anon. The nic fits will pass but don't let that fire dull with them.

a real winer said...

Now that conjures up some disturbing images. But it does ring, or in the case of this subject, reek of truth.