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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can you say "fixated"???

glenn Today 11:07 AM

Larry will never visit the place, but will give you every detail about the decor and the customers.

Read more:


Kardnos said...

Actually, I was in the Lacey Pints and Quarts today at about 11:45 a.m. and will be in the Tumwater and Downtown locations before they are even open.

Booga, Booga, glenn

sidrat38 said...

Make sure you let us all know about the decor, Larry..

...I want to see glenns head explode.....

sidrat38 said...

Actually, the first thought I had after reading the article was how are the neighbors going to enjoy that bell going off????

Kardnos said...

sidrat - It will be my pleasure to provide an ongoing narrative on the new Pints locations.

I've provided entertainment for their company in the past, one never knows what might happen in the future.