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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mistaken identity

fierce_progressive 1 hour ago
Wow. About 4 of my comments were removed. Are we no longer allowed to provide links to relevant information?

You allow a poster on this board to blatantly call me a liar and then remove the links that I provided to backup what I said.

So much for open discourse. Let's see how long before this comment is removed.

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Sorry, Tammy thought you were me.

December 2, 2009

This was the date last year, when I revived ThurstonBlog because of The Olympian having to shut down the LTE thread.  I really suggest that everyone take a walk down memory lane and read a bunch of those first posts and comments.

It's amazing how much changed in a year.

By the way, we are right on the verge of crossing the 18,000 views mark - probably in the next hour or so.

Thanks to everyone for their patronage.

Oh, c'mon! "glenn" as a member of the Board of Contributors???

The Olympian Published November 29, 2010
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    *  cedar100  5 hours ago
    I nominate the poster known as glenn. We need a regular writer who represents the cranky old farts who     are part of every community.

    *   Papawheelie  1 hour ago in reply to cedar100
     I second the nomination!
     Not because I feel compelled to take a intolerant stab at him from the far left for daring to disagree with me. But rather because he has a logical and common sense approach to many social issues that is not driven by guilt or pity.

     What about it glenn?
            Suze liked this

(1)  I doubt that "glenn" will want to unmask himself.  If he did, he wouldn't be able to continue with his stab and run attacks in the Disqus threads.

(2)  Regarding the headline, does "we have the platform" really ring true??  As long as the Olympian monitors freely pick and choose whose comments are allowed to remain in the Disqus threads with no thought about being even-handed/unbiased, then it's not much of a platform!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sondrak nursing on the Socialist Teat ?!?


  • Whatsamatta Sondra? Blog traffic down, so you need to troll here?
    Guess we should believe you know of what you speak, since you're the queen of spiteful, vindictive and petty. 
    Of course, if you feel it's important, send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501

    (Edited by author 7 hours ago)

  • Wow. Your miserable existence really is her fault.
    And to think she doesn't give a whit whoyou are!

    rrrr's comment was deleted.  Interestingly enough, when my name was being posted in The Olympian and I complained about a violation of my privacy, I was told that - since I once used the name "Larry", it was no privacy violation to call me "Larry" regardless of my moniker.
    Either the rules changed again, or......someone gets special treatment.
    The best part is "Caestus" playing like she's not "SondraK", speaking in third person.

    I hope I don't push Anonymous' post from the page.

    I just want to take a moment to remind ThurstonBlog readers and authors that we celebrate our one year anniversary on Thursday (ThurstonBlogThursday?)

    The post that Anonymous created from the "dialog" of SondraK and other Olympian readers is a constant reminder of why ThurstonBlog exists today.  If you recall a year ago, The Olympian was being constantly shut down because of vile posts and abuse of the reporting mechanism.  I dusted off an old blog that I barely used and off we went.  At first it was wide open and within a couple of hours it was apparent that the same characters were going to try to play the same games with us.  So we went membership only for posting and comments.  As we all know, it hasn't stopped the fools from reading us, as they've copied and pasted us, as well as linked us many times.

    Close to 18,000 views later, here we are.

    More shit from Caestus the Sock


  • Caestus  15 hours ago
    The petty vindictive hateful and spiteful Lympians only care about personal vendettas...
    Let downtown lose yet another positive entity and fall to their vile obsessive vengeful intentions....
    It's all they have.

    (Edited by author 15 hours ago)

  • You're perfectly welcome to write them a check for $20,000.

  • I don't need your permission to do anything...however...
    ...for the sake of the arts and the children, the government should step in here like they would for nearly every single other artistic endeavor that you Lympians seem to champion...
    That you aren't in this particular situation says much about you petty vindictive hateful spiteful Lympians...

  • I wasn't giving permission or taking it away. Merely pointing out that you can put your money where your overly large mouth is. Hypocritical of you since you've pointed out many a time that folks are free to make payments to the state or federal treasury if they like, but then again, hypocrisy is your middle name.
    If you feel it's important, you can send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501
    You don't get to decide how or why I spend mine
    If you're a complete hypocrite, respond with "This is perfect..."

    (Edited by author 7 hours ago)
    spinnaker_ and 3 more liked this 

  • This is perfect...

  • Thought so.

  • How telling that the Lympians are so selective in this case about their arts support....
    It's because they're so spiteful, vindictive and petty.

  • Whatsamatta Sondra? Blog traffic down, so you need to troll here?
    Guess we should believe you know of what you speak, since you're the queen of spiteful, vindictive and petty. 
    Of course, if you feel it's important, send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501

    (Edited by author 7 hours ago)

  • Wow. Your miserable existence really is her fault.
    And to think she doesn't give a whit whoyou are!

  • You have my permission to feel that way.
    olyjohn and 2 more liked this 

  • Caestus  7 hours ago
    rrrr is begging for attention....anyone out there feeling charitable tonight?

  • If posting here is begging for attention, what exactly is it that you do? 
    Oh, and, if you feel it's important, send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501
    You have my permission to do so.

  • Caestus  7 hours ago
    So anywho...when's the fundraiser at Traditions for the playhouse?

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