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Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Little Oly.....

  • No. You guys blew it with the creepy demands of having a list of personal information of people who sign petitions so they can be harassed so a lot of people didn't because of YOU people.

    Hypocrites. Hardly. Just smart.

  • Speaking of creepy hypocrites and harassment! You think it's OK for YOU to have a list of voters' contact information to make phone calls to them but it's not right for anybody to have the names of petition signers.

    (Did those voters give prior permission for the likes of you to call them or would they rather have their votes invalidated? I know what I would say....)


  • Read more:


    Anonymous98507 said...

    Typical of the Socks cadre.

    a real winer said...

    Sondra, socks, et al have become such low hanging fruit. Hardly worth picking. You never know what animal has done what on them at that level.