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Friday, November 5, 2010

Koster worrying about fraudulent vote counting

During the KIRO 6:00 pm broadcast, they reported on the Larsen/Koster vote count, with the implication that Koster thinks that there is a possibility of election fraud.  (As I remember it, the wording of the story on the KIRO site [below] isn't quite the same as in the report given during the newscast.)

Another Republican accusation-- if a Republican can't win, it's because the Democrats cheated during the vote count.  Let's all be grateful that Patty's vote results are enough greater than Dino's that he knew he had to concede.  :-)

Larsen: Vote Close, But Count Shows 'Clear Trend'


In a statement issued Thursday, Koster spokesman Larry Stickney said the campaign has election monitors set up around the district and is working with attorneys in anticipation of a possible re-count.
"Though John Koster remains in a position to win, we are keenly aware that there are those who will do everything they can to keep this seat out of the hands of the new House Majority," Stickney wrote. "We will aggressively monitor the process to insure the integrity of this election."


Kardnos said...

Standard line of Republican losers....

"fraudulent voting"

Anon_the_Great said...

Which is more than ironic that when it comes to voter fraud Democrats are pikers compared to repubs.