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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grampa is proud of his grandson

Most of you are aware that I have grandchildren in Florida, by my son's first marriage.  Their mother is Puerto Rican/Caucasian/AfricanAmerican mixed.  My grandson has some of the most beautiful full hair you could imagine.  He has grown it out for years and at the ripe old age of twelve, decided to have it cut from his shoulder length style to a cropped cut above the ears.

Why?  He donated some 8 to 10 inches of lush hair to a charity for children who have lost their hair due to illness and treatments.

Our relationship is limited to phone conversations and computer messages and his dad, stepmom and grandma and I are planning to bring he and his little sister to Washington for a visit this summer.  Meanwhile, I can't begin to say how proud I am of his heartfelt action to provide some comfort to another child.

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