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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A serious note on today's election

I can't begin to say how glad I am to see Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle defeated.  It restored my faith in a few things:

1.  O'Donnell is a looney Conservative religionist that wants everyone to believe all the crazy crap she buys into.  Enjoy your religion, but leave me out of it.  There is no question in my mind that O'Donnell in office is a step in the direction of a Taliban in America.

2.  Angle's blatant racism, directed at Latino's was not, and should not have been rewarded.  Sadly, she polled well with white males (58%) and white females(51%) and those over the age of 55.  Let's face it, the whole SW America anti-latino movement is directed at this demographic.  They are successful for now in Arizona, where you have a high concentration of retirees, but as the younger demographic ages, the Latino base will grow.  Angle's campaign would have made the KKK proud.

3.  Neither of these candidates have a handle on federal office policy and couldn't handle the press, much less handle major decisions of national security that a Senator may face.  They were financed by the Republican money machine and were kept in the dark as much as possible - ala GWB.  Giving Karl Rove two Senate seats would be suicidal.

My faith in Americans, although shakey, is somewhat restored.

1 comment:

a real winer said...

I thought O'Donnell received far more media attention than she deserved, and most likely was a source of embarrassment to many voters in her state. She was just too darn entertaining for the press to resist, and that may have given her more votes than she would have or should have received if the whole thing had stayed local.

Covering Angle's campaign was more important because of who she was challenging, and there is somewhat more of a wingnut fringe element in NV, so she did have more than a snowball's chance in hell. But, still, she's kind of a whack job.