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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some of today's utterances by Caestus and glenn and the rebuttals

Caestus  3 hours ago in reply to Intertubes
Omg!!!!!!! Everything's so SWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cedar100  2 hours ago in reply to Caestus
cystpuss: do you EVER have anything useful to add?

Caestus   56 minutes ago in reply to fierce_progressive
Obama's retarded car analogy never gets old.

Like race baiting.
Yoda   15 minutes ago in reply to Caestus
The analogy belongs to Bush.
You're wrong as usual.

glenn  4 hours ago
There are two types of commenters today. Those with experience and knowledge that understand the dangers of this radical group of socialist misfits and the other group have had serious blows to the cranium and live on psychotropic drugs.

fierce_progressive  4 hours ago in reply to glenn
well Glenn, with a serious head wound, you should not be sitting at the computer.

glenn  3 hours ago in reply to fierce_progressive
The two of you are lots of fun - it's like dueling with unarmed men(?).

cedar100  3 hours ago in reply to glenn
And, yet, they always win the duel because you can't shoot straight!

fierce_progressive  3 hours ago in reply to cedar100
I think he's shooting blanks.

rrrr  2 hours ago in reply to fierce_progressive
It's not fair to have a battle of wits with glenn- he has no ammunition.

Read more:

Caestus   1 day ago in reply to Pax1
No one has a problem with the "small shops " downtown.

It's all the turds, garbage ( including the human variety ) and filth that we civilized people have a problem with.
Caestus   1 day ago in reply to Johhnyfreedom
15 years ago downtown Oly was charming.
Then the progressives took over and it's a filthy DUMP.
spinnaker_   1 day ago in reply to Caestus
Hard to find a more moronic statement than this. Downtown is actually better today than it was fifteen years ago. And please tell us, how did progressives "take over" downtown? Did they buy up all the businesses? Because if they did, that would be ... umm, what's the word? Oh yeah -- captialism!
Caestus   1 day ago
No one has a problem with the "small shops " downtown.

It's all the turds, garbage ( including the human variety ) and filth that we civilized people have a problem with.
Yoda   1 day ago in reply to Caestus
Calling people "garbage"? That is sick and says a lot about you "civilized" people.
Caestus   1 day ago in reply to Yoda
cedar100   1 day ago in reply to Yoda
The right wing followers of Ayn Rand would prefer it if the homeless were "disappeared," and if the rest of us bowed down to the wealthy executives we meet on the street. They LOVE their death panel of the marketplace and how it takes care of "garbage."
Caestus   1 day ago
Instead of attempting to berate productive members of society on the internet perhaps the Lympians could instead go downtown and clean up all the filth...twice a year hosing it down just because companuy's coming for Art's Walk isn't cutting it folks.

I understand there's a mall on Olympia's West Side with big box stores like Best Buy and PayLess Shoes...and other stores like Staples and Old Navy... Big Lots and Big Five etc etc etc etc that the Lympian's try to pretend don't exist in our better than Lacey little town....
Maybe they're all there instead..........
rrrr   1 day ago in reply to Caestus
Anything that keeps you away is a good thing. Keeps us from having to worry about stepping in a steaming, smelly pile of Caestus.
(Edited by author 1 day ago)
Caestus   1 day ago in reply to rrrr
Your crappy downtown is not my fault.
spinnaker_   1 day ago in reply to Caestus
Perhaps not, but it's a better place when you stay away.
rrrr   23 hours ago in reply to Caestus
Careful, don't step in the Caestus!


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