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Monday, November 29, 2010

More shit from Caestus the Sock


  • Caestus  15 hours ago
    The petty vindictive hateful and spiteful Lympians only care about personal vendettas...
    Let downtown lose yet another positive entity and fall to their vile obsessive vengeful intentions....
    It's all they have.

    (Edited by author 15 hours ago)

  • You're perfectly welcome to write them a check for $20,000.

  • I don't need your permission to do anything...however...
    ...for the sake of the arts and the children, the government should step in here like they would for nearly every single other artistic endeavor that you Lympians seem to champion...
    That you aren't in this particular situation says much about you petty vindictive hateful spiteful Lympians...

  • I wasn't giving permission or taking it away. Merely pointing out that you can put your money where your overly large mouth is. Hypocritical of you since you've pointed out many a time that folks are free to make payments to the state or federal treasury if they like, but then again, hypocrisy is your middle name.
    If you feel it's important, you can send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501
    You don't get to decide how or why I spend mine
    If you're a complete hypocrite, respond with "This is perfect..."

    (Edited by author 7 hours ago)
    spinnaker_ and 3 more liked this 

  • This is perfect...

  • Thought so.

  • How telling that the Lympians are so selective in this case about their arts support....
    It's because they're so spiteful, vindictive and petty.

  • Whatsamatta Sondra? Blog traffic down, so you need to troll here?
    Guess we should believe you know of what you speak, since you're the queen of spiteful, vindictive and petty. 
    Of course, if you feel it's important, send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501

    (Edited by author 7 hours ago)

  • Wow. Your miserable existence really is her fault.
    And to think she doesn't give a whit whoyou are!

  • You have my permission to feel that way.
    olyjohn and 2 more liked this 

  • Caestus  7 hours ago
    rrrr is begging for attention....anyone out there feeling charitable tonight?

  • If posting here is begging for attention, what exactly is it that you do? 
    Oh, and, if you feel it's important, send your check to:
    Capital Playhouse
    612 E 4th Ave
    Olympia, WA 98501
    You have my permission to do so.

  • Caestus  7 hours ago
    So anywho...when's the fundraiser at Traditions for the playhouse?

  • Read more:


    1 comment:

    xyzzy said...

    Apparently it's acceptable to denigrate the entire community, but when referring back to the original poster with exactly the same words, that's not allowed.

    Wonder how much longer the Olympian will actually be around.