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Monday, November 1, 2010

The tea party skews old

Why Are Elders Stirring the Tea Party Movement?

The tea party skews old.

Media descriptions of the conservative movement's protests are incomplete without references to a Walmart's worth of wheelchairs and walkers amid a sea of gray heads. Surveys of tea party supporters have found that half are over age 55 and something like a third are 65 or older.


Many experts have suggested that the elders were motivated by fear that the Obama administration will cut their Social Security or Medicare payments. But new research into the roots of elders' political and cultural attitudes suggests there may be other factors at work as well.



xyzzy said...

Senile dementia?

Seriously, they're easy to manipulate. Same reason scam artists target them with schemes no rational person would fall for.

a real winer said...

Careful there, xyzzy, some of us are still the bright crayons in the box. A little worn down maybe, but still bright.

Kidding aside, I had similar thoughts. Also, old time people often have old time biases.