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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We have to note and remember this admission!

Mac_Woods  4 hours ago in reply to spooky_
Even us simple Tea Party folk managed to pay attention in civics class

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Kardnos said...

Macclaptrap isn't old enough to remember "us Tarrington smokers" ads being ridiculed by English teachers across the nation.

Anonymous98507 said...

I remember that..... I also remember one of my English teachers who used grammar errors in advertising as part of her lesson plan. She asked us to bring in ad copy that we thought contained errors, and we discussed whether they were wrong or not. I wonder if there are any teachers now who use modern advertising in their teaching? Maybe not, though, since they can find adequate fodder in the Zero. :-)

a real winer said...

What a great idea to use those dopey mistakes as teachable moments. I've thought about carrying whiteout to use on all those misplaced and overused apostrophes I see on signs everywhere.

Anonymous98507 said...

You could single-handedly support the whiteout industry! LOL