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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Do they think before posting?

Unless this "kid" (actually adult) had some mental problems that led to his homelessness, I don't have much sympathy for him. I hope he gets better and uses this experience to turn his life into something positive.

There is no reason other than mental illness for this ADULT MAN not to have a job or be a productive member of our society. He could have been a mechanic in the air force fixing diesel engines or aircraft instead of sleeping in a tunnel. Oh wait...there are no drugs and you have to actually work in the air force. He is now facing the consequences of his own decisions. Pity.


Anonymous98507 said...

Of course they don't! Zonkey and his ilk are self-centered fools who have their own "mental problems". By making disparaging comments they try to make themselves feel better about their own lives.

a real winer said...

He shows signs of being afflicted w/ what I call Overly Privileged White Boy Syndrome, exhibiting ignorance in combination w/ a complete lack of empathy for others.

sparkle said...

Or let me see, maybe the "kid" was a union wage earning factory worker who's factory has closed down, and all the jobs outsourced to China.......but Im guessing zonkey would not understand such things.