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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Clear As Mud, Your Honor

Today's Supreme Court ruling recognizing corporations the right to spend unlimited funds on political campaigns.

From the Washington Post - Remember Roberts saying judges were like umpires calling the balls and strikes? In this case, he and his colleagues canceled the game altogether and decided on their own what the final score would be.

“I do think that it is a jolt to the legal system when you overrule a precedent,” Roberts said back then. “Precedent plays an important role in promoting stability and evenhandedness. It is not enough -- and the court has emphasized this on several occasions -- it is not enough that you may think the prior decision was wrongly decided. That really doesn’t answer the question, it just poses the question.”
He added: “And you do look at these other factors, like settled expectations, like the legitimacy of the court, like whether a particular precedent is workable or not, whether a precedent has been eroded by subsequent developments.” He also quoted Alexander Hamilton, who wrote in Federalist 78: “To avoid an arbitrary discretion in the judges, they need to be bound down by rules and precedents.”

Thanks a pantload, Justice Roberts! Do you think you could have bought us dinner before trying to screw us?


chirpy1 said...

The court far over-stepped their reach on this decision, actually expanding the case and creating a sweeping ruling instead of ruling narrowly on the points of the case. This is blatant judicial activism and these judges should be impeached and disbarred.

chirpy1 said...

One more thing....


Kardnos said...

Achmed wrote on 01/21/2010 10:01:42 PM:
And here we have a fine example of some of the intellectual musings that can be found on cricketschirping...

"One more thing....


Now I know why I stopped commenting there. I can't keep up with that level of intellectual discourse!

Achmed - shall I pull up your contributions? Two "naughty boy" stories on Tiger Woods that DID make the cricket chirp (zero comments) and one response that was intended as an insult to the ThurstonBlog community which earned you the honor of being warned that the next one would permanently bar you from posting. I'd post this on The Olympian, but I don't think that the autoeditor will allow "punked asshole".

Anonymous98507 said...

chirpy1, it finally occurred to me that you did us a service by posting that bit of raw language.... it lured Achmed into posting a slightly amended version of it on the O's comments, and they responded by banning him! Great move, chirpy!!