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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things are heating up

WallysPal wrote on 01/24/2010 09:03:25 AM:
"Why did the population grow over 2 million from 1980 to 2008? A great portion of that growth is from illegals being allowed into the country with no deportation policy. And a big part of the costs of governing our state has increased because we are giving these illegals benefits they are not entitled to.

"So dale, you're saying that the majority of the population increase is illegal aliens? OK, of the two million, how many are illegal aliens? Cite your source.And while you're at it, exactly which benefits does the nefarious mob collect? Be specific--name the benefit programs you're claiming they receive. Either you have evidence to back up these claims, or they're baseless assertions you either heard somewhere else or made up. Which is it?

glenn wrote on 01/24/2010 09:12:39 AM:
Wallyspal - If that information is so important to you - then prove or disprove it yourself. Larry, cedar and PAX do that shit all the time. "Innocent until proven guilty" - look it up or shut up!

Now, before I start, let me acknowledge that I changed "sh_t" to "shit" because on ThurstonBlog you can say "shit" if you have a mouthful and glenn definitely does.

glenn's statement (having one of his bad days) to WallysPal is that PAX, cedar and I are wrong to question when dalecon, Independent Felcher, the Klown Posse, Red Foreman or glenn make one of their ridiculous assertions that have no truth to them. glenn must have FAILed debate 101.

"Innocent until proven guilty" is just too funny for futher discussion


Anonymous98507 said...

Excellent rebuttal from xyzzy:

xyzzy wrote on 01/24/2010 10:15:45 AM:

SafeSax - those with nothing to back up their baseless assertions need to work in a different way.

As long as everything we state is assumed true until proven otherwise, here's one for glenn.

Despite his right leaning postings, glenn is really a stealth communist working to further Obama's Progressive Socialist agenda. He just posts like that to obfuscate (there glenn, a word you seemed to like the other day, only spelled correctly).

Now normally, I'd have to provide substance for this to be believed, but in your world, I'm innocent until proven guilty, apparently you are a communist until YOU can prove otherwise, unless of course, that need to provide no proof of statements only goes for right wingers you agree with.

Ding, ding, ding....

jiminy said...

"Independent Felcher"
Now that's a good one. He's going to have to google felching to get that one.
Perhaps if that sticks we could morph him into Uncle Felcher.

sparkle said...

Safesax, loved that post, I'm guessing the Sock Puppet Klan are also progressive liberals, who want to feed and cloth the poor with govt. sponsored contributions!

xyzzy said...

I'm still waiting for a response from glenn, not going to hold my breath

sparkle said...

xyzzy, glenn did appear to disappear after that one, I'd love to here from our comrad Glenn, his statement on the above would prove to be interesting.

Anonymous98507 said...

Glenn was busily posting some drivel this morning on the article about the red light traffic cameras. Looks like he moves around hoping to evade detection but still get his jollies by posting. LOL