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Saturday, July 3, 2010

I Just Had To Share


LostOnAnIsland said...

and this one

Ah,.....good stuff.

a real winer said...

The last one is too cute. Obviously that cat doesn't use its claws like mine do, or that guy would've drawn back a bloody stump.

LostOnAnIsland said...

I've been putting off giving one of my cats a flee bath because she is either going to claw me or cry a lot which might hurt me even more. Mrs. Island is getting flee bites so it has to be done.

a real winer said...

Have you tried Advantage, Bio Spot, or Frontline? These are drops that you put on the back of the cat's neck (high enough where they can't wash it), and besides killing fleas, they also have a growth regulator that prevents flea larvae from maturing. Nips 'em in the bud, and less traumatic for everybody else.

LostOnAnIsland said...

We have some Sentry PurrScriptions plus but when I have tried that alone in the past it just slowed the flees down a little but didn't get rid of them completely. My cats are outside all the time during the summer. They have long hair and just love hanging out in the grass. I already gave one a bath then used the Sentry and so far he seems to be doing well. He has a dingleberry problem sometimes and will scoot on our area rug so I washed him for that purpose as well. He was also the least likely to claw or bite me so I he went first. We will get the Advantage next time and give that a try.

sparkle said...

My 4 cats are way too lazy, way way to lazy!