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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Palin to lead RNC? Please!!!!!!!

THEREFORE, We, the undersigned, submit that Sarah Palin, as soon as is practicably possible, ought to replace Michael Steele and take over the reins as Chair of the Republican National Committee.

As to who, the answer can only be Sarah Palin. Why? Notwithstanding the reasons we have outlined here and here, it is because she will raise more money and command more control over the media narrative than ANY other Republican in the field. Seating Sarah would also set the Progressive-Democrats on their heels, forcing them to ratchet up their vile PR smear campaigns.
The problem for the Progressive smear machine, and they know it, is that the jig is up. More and more Americans are becoming aware of the Alinksy song and dance the Progressives have been running. Their charges of racism and labels of stupid and evil grow less and less effective every day.

The advantage for the Right is that the Progressives have no other strategy than to go vicious, so the Left will likely double down on the tactic. Doing so will only expose them as hypocrites when it comes to their claim of righteously elevating the narrative above cheap personal attacks, and working to solve our nation’s problems.

Who more than Sarah Palin can inspire the Left to so publicly display their ugliness and contempt for American civility?

This is one of the funniest takes I've seen yet. "Take one for the Team, Sarah!" The Republican Machine knows that Palin has the dirtiest backyard of any of them, so put her "in charge" (about as in charge as Steele really was) and let the smear begin.

Mrs. Family Values and her Teenaged Sleepovers is not a lie. It's the real deal. Proof positive? "Twig", "Branch", "Sapling", or whatever in hell Bristol's kid was named.

There is no way that it will go unspoken when Sarah starts cranking up the Family Values schtick and then you can blame the Democrats for "going negative" by pointing out the truth that the woman let her child have a sex partner prior to the age of consent and out of wedlock.

The Republicans can be counted on to use a child that has already been used if it means a way to collect money and votes.

1 comment:

sidrat38 said...

Know what she's got written on her thumb in that photo???

"This End Up"
