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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And STILL Larry is missed...

IndependentVoter wrote on 01/26/2010 05:58:02 PM:
How's those new identities workin' for you, Larry?

glenn wrote on 01/26/2010 06:09:37 PM:
IV - Yesterday, I suggested that he try out "Gary the Garbage Guy". What do you think? How does "Gomer the Google Dude" or "Carl the Comcast Critter" sound? "Calvin the Curmudgeon"?

IV is so clueless...



Kardnos said...

Independent Felcher and glenn....sittin' in a tree....

sidrat38 said...

I'm just messin with IV right now, but there really is no challenge in it..

It's a battle of wits against an unarmed man....

HarryReems said...
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HarryReems said...

Why is it that most conservatives are humor impaired?

Anonymous98507 said...
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