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Friday, January 15, 2010


IndependentVoter wrote on 01/14/2010 07:05:06 AM:
What if the police want the names of those signing the pot initiative? I wonder what the "public record" crowd has to say about that one.'s not an initiative, it's a legislative bill....and......many people - like me - don't use marijuana, but we are not uptight assbites who also worry about what people do in the privacy of their bedroom.

At least you are consistent about your nose in others business, Indy.

SondraKovacio wrote on 01/14/2010 07:12:51 AM:
IndependentVoter wrote on 01/14/2010 07:05:06 PM:What if the police want the names of those signing the pot initiative? I wonder what the "public record" crowd has to say about that one. That was awesome :)

Stupid is as stupid does

SondraKovacio wrote on 01/14/2010 08:07:37 AM:
Smoking is bad. Drinking is bad. Smoking pot is twice as bad.If you think it's ok to know that something is bad, pass laws that infringe on MY freedom to have smoking allowed in my own private business BECAUSE you people tell me it's that bad then you're not going to convince me you have the best interests of the people at heart if you're going to make it that much easier to do something that's as bad or worse. G' night.

I'm getting creeped out.

So are we. You sound like you just cleaned the resin from your pipe. Another anal rententive control freek that wants "her" rights to be telling you what "your" rights are.

Finally...a voice of reason....

Goldfinger wrote on 01/14/2010 07:36:32 AM:
This bill would save the taxpayers roughly 300 million a year just by letting out the offenders in prison. They roughly figure that they can get between 300-450 million in revenue just off the pot taxes.

That is almost 1/4 of our budget shortfall. I am still trying to figure out why then haven't passed it. I bet we could even export it to other countries for medical or medicanal uses, like Holland for instance

Goldie....have your friends tell you about ThurstonBlog. Not only do you sound like our kinda people......but you "creeped" it out.

Nothing a control freak hates more than lack of control.


xyzzy said...

It incredible how much money we spend on law enforcement against marijuana. Locking up non-violent offenders for years. Hopefully a sane viewpoint will eventually prevail and it will be criminalized. Doubt it though - too much benefit for law enforcement as it stands.

xyzzy said...

Oop - that was supposed to be de-criminalized, which I suppose was obvious from context.

sparkle said...

Not to mention the Corporate, and privatized prison system we now have in our nation.