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Friday, January 8, 2010

But they are such nice Americans

From the Tea Party Convention Website:
*Please be aware that any disruptive behavior will result in the immediate removal from the convention site and all ticket purchases will be forfeited. There will be no exceptions!
I wonder why they'd have to post something like that for their own conference?
One of their speaker/topics - Philip Glass, National Precinct Alliance: "How to Change Elections - Becoming a Precinct Committee Chairperson"
How does a Precinct Committee Chair "change elections"?


Anonymous98507 said...

Not many people are expected to attend-- the Opryland Hotel only has 2,881 rooms, which would allow for approximately 55 attendees per state.

To answer your question about precinct committee chairs: they obviously plan to try hi-jacking pivotal precincts and work on changing the outcome of those caucuses.

Anon_the_Great said...

As a Dem PCO myself, any PCO, Dem or Repub, who loses to a Tea bagger deserves to lose.

Personally there are some current Repub Thurston County PCO's whom a Tea Bagger would be an improvement.