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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Rock_Thrower wrote on 01/19/2010 10:31:51 PM:
Achmed wrote on 01/19/2010 10:25:59 PM:
It's been a long day and I'm tired, but before I go to bed I raise a toast. I raise a toast to victory, a toast to a brighter tomorrow. A toast to faux_revolution, to xxxxxxxx (actually xxxxxxxx is pretty cool), to that guy that runs cricketschirping, to cedar, and to anyone else I missed! Happy Trails!

Funy how the 2 socks want to go to bed at almost the same time


Kardnos said...

I wonder if anyone should break it to Achmed as to who xxxxxxxxxx really is?

This is the genius that thinks it has all the answers. LOL

LostOnAnIsland said...

F the SocKs!

sidrat38 said...

wonder if anyone should break it to Achmed as to who xxxxxxxxxx really is?

Nah, let him/her merinate on it for a while, Larry..

It's WAY too much fun watching her chase her tail...