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Friday, January 15, 2010

Moron the Daily O's lead story

caiaphas wrote on 01/15/2010 09:01:51 AM:
I am not making any kind of argument. The some of the previous 25 posts contained very dismissive comments. I'm just showing that they shouldn't be underestimated. My polling data comes from Rasmussen. The Tea Party stance of lowering taxes, less government, more individual control, 2nd amendment rights, etc., etc. are polling 60%+ with the public. Do not underestimate these people or their movement.

Caiaphas, let me help you. Rasmussen has been tagged as the mouthpiece of the Conservative Movement (whatever that might be at the time). has eliminated them from their report because they are so far off from the other leading pollsters in their result.

A poll is only as good as the questions asked. Ask "do you want to lower taxes" and people will jump at the chance to say yes. Rephrase to "do you want to lower taxes and take less services" and you'll get another answer.

"Individual Control" and "States Rights" - lets watch Alaska survive on its own. They are the largest consumer of federal funds.

2nd Amendment? It's a worthless conversation. No one is taking guns from anyone, but the NRA has staged the battleplan that way as a fear mechanism. I'm still waiting to see that militia.

The TEA Party probably has less impact than the OWL Party did.


Anonymous98507 said...

Oh, the OWL party had much more impact! For one thing it was light-hearted, and a lot of laughter came out of the OWL campaign.

Unfortunately the OWLs weren't able to heal the Continental Divide. LOLOL

One wonders what Red would think of the Tea Baggers?

buckwheat said...

Rasmussen. LOL!