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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Suck on this Righties

Our President recently took the Republican house to the woodshed. I'm not hearing a lot of spin from his CSPAN beat down of the Bohner et. al. My fav was President Obama's spanking of some moron from Texas whining that Obama was spending us to the poor house.

[W]e came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade -- had nothing to do with anything that we had done. It had to do with the fact that in 2000 when there was a budget surplus of $200 billion, you had a Republican administration and a Republican Congress, and we had two tax cuts that weren't paid for.

You had a prescription drug plan -- the biggest entitlement plan, by the way, in several decades -- that was passed without it being paid for. You had two wars that were done through supplementals. And then you had $3 trillion projected because of the lost revenue of this recession. That's $8 trillion.

Now, we increased it by a trillion dollars because of the spending that we had to make on the stimulus. I am happy to have any independent fact-checker out there take a look at your presentation versus mine in terms of the accuracy of what I just said.

Suck on that IV.


sparkle said...

Our president is great, and guys on the right, I somehow missed that famous teleprompter ya'll keep talking about, was it in his back pocket?

Kardnos said...

The classic was when he interupted a run-on question with "I know you have a question there somewhere but you sound like a talking point for a campaign"....or words to that affect.

sparkle said...

Yeah, he did us proud, it will be hard to spin this one, though the 'Becksters' will have their own unique 'take' on it!

Anon_the_Great said...

The Becksters are spinning it to say our President was condescending, i.e. "he were using perdy words to make us look like the idiots we are."

Anonymous said...

Sara Palin!!!