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Friday, June 18, 2010


tmcgee wrote on 06/18/2010 04:51:35 PM:
I found his comment to be walking the fence, but still in line with the general conversation of the day. It was neither abusive or totally out in left field, so I chose to keep it, rather than delete. Unfortunately, my brain and my hand weren't totally in sync. Cedar, there are no different standards depending on politics. I don't care what the politics are, as long as posters are allowed an equal opportunity, by other posters, to state their opinions in a civil manner.

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IndependentVoter wrote on 06/17/2010 09:28:29 PM:
Larry,I am everybody who disagrees with you. It's all just me.

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There was no "Larry" posting last night. What "opinion" was IV stating? What context did it have to the LTEs.

Remember, boys and girls....
tmcgee wrote on 06/17/2010 05:19:04 PM:
In accordance with, and in addition to The Olympian’s published guidelines for use of the comment threads, the following will be strictly enforced on all comment threads on All off-topic comments will be deleted; when abuse reporting becomes a nuisance to our staff, comment capability will be closed down for the remainder of the day; users should understand that the comment threads are neither a personal blog, or a chat room, and should limit comments and discussions accordingly.Read more:


Anonymous98507 said...

Anonymous98501 wrote on 06/18/2010 05:52:49 PM:
tmcgee wrote on 06/18/2010 04:51:35 PM: ... Cedar, there are no different standards depending on politics. I don't care what the politics are, as long as posters are allowed an equal opportunity, by other posters, to state their opinions in a civil manner.
tmcgee wrote on 06/17/2010 05:19:04 PM: In accordance with, and in addition to The Olympian’s published guidelines for use of the comment threads, the following will be strictly enforced on all comment threads on All off-topic comments will be deleted; when abuse reporting becomes a nuisance to our staff, comment capability will be closed down for the remainder of the day; users should understand that the comment threads are neither a personal blog, or a chat room, and should limit comments and discussions accordingly.

Ms. McGee: you are sending mixed messages. The rules say no off-topic comments, yet you are allowing SOME definitely off-topic comments, civil or not, to remain while deleting others which are off-topic and civil. [Wonder how long THIS admittedly off-topic comment will be allowed to remain?]

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Kardnos said...

There is no consistancy, 98507

Anonymous98507 said...

And that's the rub, isn't it, Larry?

Anon_the_Great said...

Seeems like Larry's little chat with Corporate has had some effect. Unfortunately it has brought out the Tammy's inner Three Stooges